When SKUA was born, one of the first kinds of activity consisted, indeed, in the short scientific courses dedicated to university students from all over Europe.
The company eventually evolved, thus Unicampo and other projects were put apart for a while; today, we are proud to offer again something that is more about teaching the new generations, and share with them our love and passion for Mother Nature.
That’s why, we are now offering a diversified programme, that includes photography masterclasses, courses, didactical and on field scientific activities, winter and summer schools of wildlife monitoring and bird ringing, but also an amazing master-like experience of several months that will teach you everything, from survival techniques to recognition of animals and plants diversity.
Keep scrolling to have a glimpse of each opportunity, and choose the option that suits you more! When SKUA was born, one of the first kinds of activity consisted, indeed, in the short scientific courses dedicated to university students from all over Europe.